A passage from Weber in the Lecture.
Will you simply and dully accept world and occupation? Or will the third and by no means the least frequent possibility be your lot: mystic flight from reality for those who are gifted for it,
This quote is stating that it wants to know if the person assigned to public service is wanting to do it full time or part time as a vocation. Is he discipline to follow the assignment which consist of passion and non emotional discipline. Weber is asking are you loyal and committed enough to follow the procedures of your Ruler or are you more geared to emotional interaction with your land and production from your following. He also states that it is delusional to think that you would think it is effortless. Since the knowledge and rules may not agree with the serviceman, it may get into his soul. So he wants to know if the structure is there to do what he is told or will his emotions get in the way.