Albie Llada Professor
Introduction to Nihilism
March 5, 2015
Home Work #1 redone
. Missing Original
since I had posted it on Blackboard or Blogger without an account on blogger.
Take a quote from Nietzsche and explain
it and then write something about Germany that interests you
Use the links on my blog page: Nietzsche,
CIA WorldFactbook.
Professor. I couldn’t find your link. All I found was a
facebook with a CIA link that had nothing on it but advertisement of the site
I found a quote said to be from of Friedrich Nietzsche
“We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used
to loving. My head is spinning having
gone through blogger like you said I should under your link. I still don’t understand that platform for
searching things. I’ll leave it at that.
I can’t seem to see the lecture you posted on day one anymore on
Blackboard. So I am using this Microsoft
word-file as my medium.
This quote above in my document is
hinting me that Nietzsche is complaining that society is trying to be
spiritually repressed, and that he feels that it ought to be about his own
experience of living life. Since our lectures
have pointed upon Nihilism with its history of being a story that life is lived
in the moment without resistance, I gather that he is stating that people are
being conditioned to behave with tradition that is holding one back from a real
experience of their own. I also think that he may be stating that because he is
experiencing his life to the fullest, he then feels satisfied with it as he
uses words that could be of religious context to be heard more mainstream.
In recalling something I read about him
in other quotes in other lectures from him, I visualize a person who is not
wanting to live for others he never met, but for moments he is living in
present in his surroundings. Somewhere
else I recall reading that he is sick in spirit. I picture that he is not content on how
society guides him to be as a person.
In regards to how Germany interests me, I
would write that this Country was a raw place for many years. People expressed freely their desires. Unfortunately, I view this world where good and
evil exists and clash. I would never
want to meet a person with this perspective.
I would in my opinion be like meeting evil. Germany however, is a place of powerful
history. It is truly a unique part of
the world where misery and evil were common thing and place. It is amusing to understand how life can get
so out of hand. Germany is a tourism
spot for me one day because it will make me feel something in the air that was
once awful see in that era of war and unrest.
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